NO-DIG 2011
By Bob Martin - General Manager - March 31, 2011
The 2011 No-Dig Exhibition in Washtington, DC has come and gone. I am happy to say that attendance was much higher than in the recent UCT show.
Right off the bat, we had a minor crisis to contend with. Our airline decided to save on room by compacting our booth to about half of its original size. Our banners were sandwiched into compacted aluminum sheeting, and it took us nearly an hour to extract them. The application of a bit of good ol' HDDBroker ingenuity, some zip ties and a few pieces of tape got us back to the point where we at least had our backdrop in place, which featured nearly 200 of our active HDD Drill listings. We also had a live version of our website up for attendees to search our database of equipment right from the show floor.
The main focus of the exhibition was definitely centered around pipeline rehabilitation, however there was a good representation present from the HDD industry. Vermeer, American Augers, UTI, Condux, Ditch Witch, and of couse, HDDBroker were all present.
Surprisingly, not one Ditch Witch drill was present, with their entire booth focused only on their newly acquired Hammerhead product lineup.
Vermeer featured their D20x22FX Geothermal drill yet again, and also brought along their newest offering, the D9x15.
American Augers featured their new "quick setup" million pound machine, at least through documentation and photos. Surprisingly, that machine can be set up and in place within 30 minutes, which is virtually unheard of in the large maxi rigs.
It was a good show and we're looking forward to next year's offering in Nashville, TN!

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