Tips for Taking Photos
Good pictures will significantly improve the marketability of your equipment. In addition to front and side views, be sure to include close-ups of all of the wear areas. You can't have too many pictures.
Looking for an example? Check out a sample listing to see what a completed listing can look like.
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Tip 1: Lighting
Avoid harsh sunlight that casts deep shadows and obscures detail. Turn your equipment so that the side you are photographing is in the sunlight. This will also put your back to the sun and prevent automatic over-exposure.
Tip 2: Fill the Frame
When taking photos, try to make sure the vast majority of the equipment fills the picture. Closer shots allow potential buyers to see more details of the equipment.
Tip 3: Mind your Background
If possible, try to move the equipment you are taking a photo of to an open area to keep focus on the equipment and not something that might be in the background.

Tip 4: Clean, Buff and Polish
Equipment that has been cleaned up is more attractive to potential buyers. Taking a short amount of time to clean, buff and polish your equipment could pay off by selling your equipment faster or for the full asking price.

Tip 5: Details Sell
Detailed close-up photos of your machine provide best indication to the potential buyer of the condition of your equipment. Remember that used equipment buyers aren't expecting a 'perfect' drill, they simply want all the information - even the flaws - so that they can make an informed buying decision.
Key areas to photograph include wear items like racks and chains, frame, tracks, hydraulic pumps and motors, slides and bushings, and pipe.
Make sure you also get clear shots of the hour meter and serial number plate.
Photos Like These Are What Is Needed
Multiple Angles:
Close-ups of wear areas, detailed shots, and videos:
Use This Handy Photo Checklist Printer Friendly
Directional Drills:
- Front, left, right and rear
- Vice assembly
- Engine compartment / hydraulic pumps
- Carriage rack / main beam
- Chain link / rack gears
- Drive chuck / gearbox
- Pipe rack and drill stem ends
- Operator's console and seat
- Machine frame
- Hour meter
- Rod loading system
- Serial number plate
- Tracks / sprockets
- Rear control station (if applicable)
- Mud pump
- Seat
- Cab
- Controls
- Switches
- Buttons
- Boom
- Tracks
- Bucket
- Teeth
- Engine
- Serial number plate
- Entire unit from both sides
Trenchers/Plows/Rock Saws:
- Controls
- Tires
- Tracks
- Engine
- Switches
- Seat
- Cab
- Saw wheel
- Plow attachment
- Trencher attachment
- Plow blade
- Serial number plate
- Entire unit
Locating System:
- Locator
- Display
- Case
- Sonde
- Charger
- Batteries
- Serial number
- Entire unit or all package contents
Mixing Systems/Tanks/Recycle System:
- Mixer
- Hopper
- Tank
- Pump
- Engine
- Hoses
- Serial number plate
- Entire unit from both sides
Vacuum Systems:
- Trailer
- Hoses
- Tank
- Engine
- Tires on trailer
- Serial number plate
- Entire unit from all sides
Pipe Fusion Equipment:
- Machine
- Controls
- Switches
- Tracks
- Tires
- Inserts
- Serial number plate
- Entire unit from both sides
Drill Pipe and Tooling:
- Pipe (both box and pin ends)
- Threads
- Rack
- Drill head
- Entire pipe lot or pipe in rack both sides of tool
- Close up of carbide cutters on tooling
Equipment Trailers/Reel Trailers:
- Deck
- Tires
- Hitch
- Serial number plate
- Entire unit