A Review of UCT 2010

By Bob Martin - General Manager - January 26, 2010

I'm thankful to say that the continuing optimism that we are seeing and hearing from our customers and vendors alike was mirrored in the attendance and quality of the recent Underground Construction Technology Exhibition that took place in Tampa, FL last week.

After what I would call a somewhat lackluster history, UCT managed to stage a comeback this year with good overall attendance and a great turnout for exhibitors. There were some notable absences in the exhibitor list, victims of poor turnouts from past shows, but for the most part there were still delegates from each of them haunting the aisles. While the number of attendees was not overwhelming, the quality certainly was. HDD Broker found that 90% of the people who stopped to talk were not simply there to enjoy the Florida sunshine, but to earnestly learn and network. Look for some exciting new product lines coming to HDD Broker in the near future, along with some exciting partnerships for 2010!

One of the most exciting developments for the show, at least for us here at HDD Broker, is fact that our company graced the cover of Trenchless Technology Magazine for the UCT show issue of January 2010. It is gratifying to see that all of our hard work and dedication to the industry and our customers is beginning to pay off and be recognized. To check out the article, head over to Trenchless Online and check it out. Learn about HDD Broker's beginnings and where we're headed in the future!

Some of the noteworthy things we noticed at the show itself revolved mostly around new equipment offerings. Vermeer Manufacturing revealed their new D20x22FX Series II vertical machine, designed specifically to take advantage of the burgeoning geothermal market. Alongside was the new D9x13 Series II directional drill. One of the big announcements was Vermeer's new line of fluid recycling systems. On display at the show was an impressive shaker system, an example of the four units that are mounted on Vermeer's new R9x12T recycling systems, which should be available in spring of this year.

Universal HDD continues to evolve and polish its lineup of directional drills as well. At the show were their new 100x120 and 12x13 drills.

HDD Rotary Sales announced their new MAXI HDD drill pipe, the 7-5/8" full hole, which offers superior strength and fluid flow over current drill stem offerings.

Digital Control had their new lineup of location systems on display, including the F2, the SE and their venerable Eclipse systems. Important to note is the fact that DCI will not be servicing or supporting the old Mark series of locators for much longer, and their support of the McLaughlin Spot-D-Tek systems will also end with the exhaustion of their parts. If you've got a MK or Spot series locator, now is a great time to trade them against a new SE or F2 system, as there are great incentives out there right now. Call us if you have any questions or you'd like to get details.

All in all, UCT was a great show for us this year, and as a kickoff to 2010, it was certainly a great start!

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