Trenchless Round Table Discussion in San Antonio, Texas
By Bob Martin - General Manager - January 1, 2009
It was my distinct pleasure to take part in the first annual Trenchless Round Table Discussion put on by Trenchless World Magazine. Many of the industry's major players were invited to attend, and representatives from many of the trenchless industry leaders made an appearance including:
- Bob Martin - HDD Broker LLC
- Dan Sharpe - American Augers
- Ed Savage - Vermeer Manufacturing
- Frank Cannon- Baroid
- George Demetri- Trenchless World
- Gerhard Lang - Herrenknecht
- Joe Abbott - Godwin Pumps
- John Hemphill
- Kenny Clever - Barbco
- Lok Home - Robbins
- Richard Levings - Ditch Witch
- Rick Turkopp - Hobas Pipe
- Riff Wright - Radius HDD
- Sam Ariaratnam - Arizona State University
The Round Table was a tremendous opportunity to discuss many of the issues that the trenchless industry currently faces. The huge cross section of attendees ensured a well-rounded well from which to draw insight.
The Discussion centered around fourteen questions which were assembled by George Demetri from his own knowledge of the industry along with suggestions from the Discussion participants. The questions ranged in topics from training to standardizations, Chinese equipment to industry promotion, the world economy to climate change, and much more.
The actual transcript from the Discussion will soon be available through the Trenchless World Publication. I highly recommend reading through the proceedings, as there were many excellent points raised, suggestions made and information provided. The Trenchless World Publication website can be found at
I sincerely hope that this becomes a yearly occurrence, as I think that the information and insights gleaned from the discussion was invaluable to the entire industry, and I was very happy to have had the chance to be a part of it.

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